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Monday, 4 August 2014

Day 3 and 4

Day 2 and 3 Missing the Dog
We completely filled up the patio at Seven Shores Cafe on Saturday morning

Day 2 and 3 ... walking in the neighborhood without your dog is ... kind of weird. This past week our dog has had a bit of a limp and it seems that she has pulled something in her hip. :(
We have been trying to keep her quiet and so that means no walks that are more than around the block.  To get my walk30 in I have had to set off on my own ... and that has seemed very strange indeed.  It makes me very grateful for our Annie ... she is still giving us the 'look' that says "please take me for a walk" and she is less than impressed with the short version that is going to help her heal.
Annie on a walk ... just a puppy here.

The situation also makes me realize that for people without a dog it is a bigger challenge to get out the door and get your walk30 done. It seems that we have an easier time taking care of our pet's needs than we do our own. SO ... to all of you dogless people I take off my hat and say ...WELL DONE!
I am heading out to do my walk30 after supper ... hope you have a great walk30 today ... with or without the pet!
Walk On Strong!

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