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Monday, 2 January 2012

Day 2 It's all about the puppy!

Resolution Walkers! A wet one!

Day 2 
Well I might be able to walk30 but our new pup Annie is only doing a walk2 and being carried the rest of the way ... this will be a short blog because we are super busy with this new project.
This morning we got up at 7 a.m. ( with only one night time trip to the back yard at 4 a.m.) so we felt that we were lucky ... who knows what is ahead?!
I made sure that I got out the door around noon and walked over to a wonderful hill nearby. At the Resolution walk yesterday almost everyone in the group mentioned the hills ( there was a huge steep hill we had to do twice!) and many of us were feeling very strong on them. Adding hills to your walk30 is a very good idea .. they build strength, speed and definitely get your heart rate into the zone that we don't realize in our day to day walking.
Be sure to walk tall up those hills with your eyes on the horizon and take very small steps ... especially in this snowy, icy weather. Doing those hills will make you stronger and you will power past others in any event that has a hill or two!!
Walk On Strong ... keep on walking30!

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