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Thursday, 14 June 2012

Day14 It's all about the food!

Yum Yum Yum!!

Day14 It's all about the food!

I have noticed that with all this walking every day it seems a little easier to keep my weight stable.  That being said it is still challenging to not over eat or slip into some old habits that tend to put the weight on.  I think that we really have to be easier on ourselves and at the same time keep making the effort to use portion control and a daily walk30 (or more) to keep us honest.

Once in a while we do have to treat ourselves and today was one of those days for me. My friend Ellace and I were treated to lunch in downtown Toronto at the Holt Renfrew cafe.  I had a BLT salad and it was ... incredible!!  The picture above does not do it justice believe me. I kept thinking that I should stop eating because I should be full ... but it just tasted too good! I gave in and just cleaned up my plate.  Once in a while it is just fine to eat a little too much.  When I got home I just made sure that I got out the door for my walk30.
Hope you had a great one today!
Walk On Strong,

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