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Tuesday 10 July 2012

Day 10 Introduction to Race walking video

                        This is an amazing video ... check it out!

Day 10 Introduction to Race walking video

When we talk about power walking it always leads to a discussion around race walking.  Not everyone who learns about power walking technique wants to become a race walker.  It requires an incredible amount of dedication and training to move to the race walking level of technique.  This is an excellent video and explains race walking technique and the rules that race walkers are bound to in competition far better than I could explain them.  Take some time out to enjoy this video and appreciate the sport of race walking .... oh my goodness they are burning up the track!

Today was a perfect day for a walk30!
Walk On Strong!


  1. Fabulous, wish I was younger....I power walk well for my age (67) but I got the "bug" late in life......a great insight....I feel like a walk right now.

  2. I am so amazed at the speed that they seem to be moving at. You can tell that every muscle in their body is engaged. I am a power walker too and I know I have a lot to work on in the power walking realm ... thanks for the comment!
