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Thursday, 26 July 2012

Day 26 How to Race Walk

Leisure walking, fitness walking, power walking , race walking ... what ever you do ... do it at the K W Walking Classic!

Day 26 How to Race Walk

Last week I posted a YouTube video about Race Walking technique and there was a little buzz that developed around it.  I want to direct you to some more information on the subject that came to me today from About.com's walking leader Wendy Bumgardner in her newsletter.  It is a great one to have coming to your inbox once a week ... a lot of useful information for the avid walker
From About.com/walking letter:
 Walk Like an Olympian - Racewalking
"Racewalking has been a part of the modern Olympics since 1904. But it just isn't any old walking -- the Olympic racewalking technique has rules and judges. July Heller of Ero-Fit tells how to walk like an Olympian. Why do it? You will burn more calories per mile and start beating a lot of runners in races. And then you can tune in next week with our viewer's guide to the London Olympic Race Walks."

I had a great training evening with some of our Walk On Strong group ... and a walk30 to boot!
Walk On Strong everyone!

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