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Monday, 8 October 2012

Day 8 Happy Thanksgiving! (in Canada!)

View from the Bruce trail in Owen Sound

Day 8 Happy Thanksgiving! (in Canada!)

According to Wikipedia
On Thursday, January 31, 1957, the Canadian Parliament proclaimed:
“    A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed – to be observed on the 2nd Monday in October.

If you're Canadian you are most likely feeling a little like a stuffed turkey today ... but you are also a little better rested and possibly feeling a little more thankful for something in your life that makes it better.   I am thinking about the fact that I was able to get out a walk down the Grand River Trail with one of my friends and my dog Annie.  It was a truly spectacular autumn day today.  The sun was warm and the sky a clear blue which made the turning leaves look like a blast of color.

I am especially thankful for my Walk30 Challenge Project this year.  Every month since November 2011 I have made a promise to myself to walk 30 minutes a day every single day of the month (mostly 30 day increments ... give or take).  At the beginning of the next month it would all begin again and as I have walked along I have also blogged along.  I have written a blog every day with the exception of the days I was unable to get connected to an internet site and then I would just catch up the next day.  I will soon have 365 blogs under my keyboard and I will have been walking a year.  I have a feeling that there are a few of you out there that are walking30 along with me and for that I am truly excited.  I was up in Owen Sound this past weekend visiting my wonderful friends Elaine and Uwe (Artists from Around the Sound) and I was reminded of the change that simply walking30 can make in your life.  Elaine has been walking30 with me all year almost to the day and she truly feels that her life has changed.  She is going to write me her story and I will post it on the blog ... so keep posted. 
So I am cruising toward year #1 of my walk30 challenge!! It will happen on Halloween actually and you will hear a huge "YIPEE!" when the hour strikes 12 on Wednesday the 31st of October.

So here in Canada on Thanksgiving weekend I am grateful for a great many things and not the least of which is the walking habit that I have come to embrace and the people I have moved toward the same habit. It is never too late to start walking30.
Walk On Strong!

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