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Monday, 20 January 2014

Day 20 Just move!

Memorable walk a few years ago! It was a walk in Rome ... rainy but an amazing day!

Day 20 ... today was another very busy day but sometimes busy means moving. If you are sitting on the computer there is not much movement going on but if you are doing errands and getting things knocked off the 'to do' list then you might be getting some exercise ... that was me today.

It seems like a simple thing but if you are out and about and you park the car at the far end of the parking lot .... you really do get more steps in. Give it a try!

I had a boot camp class tonight after a long day of work and a great meeting ... what fun.  After the class I headed out the door with the dog so all in all I got over 12000 steps in today!

Mix up your routine to get those steps in every day ... it is worth it!! 

Weekly Walking News
Meeting at the Waterloo Public Square in front of Shoppers Drugmart
Tomorrow ( Tuesday) we will be meeting at 6:30 p.m. for a 5 K walk
Saturday at 8 a.m. there will be a 10 K walk 
Saturday at 9 a.m. there will be a 5 K walk
Join us for coffee and /or breakfast at Seven Shores Cafe after our Saturday walk ... Everyone welcome.

Walk On Strong!

Sue and Dave

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