Walk30 that's it ... get out the door every day for 30 minutes for 30 days in a row. You will be walking a half marathon a week and feeling good. If you want a simple goal that will help you to be fit and feel better ... then just walk30.
There are lots of places to go but first you have to step out the door ... come walk with us!
I'm not sure if everyone feels it but, for me, September has always felt like the New Year has begun. Let's embrace this September first together and commit to our health ... body and mind ... by joining the Walk30 Challenge. 30 days in September and lots of time to carve out 30 minutes a day to walk ... drag your camera along and send some photos along and stories of wher your walks have led you. Join us! Walk30 ... Walk On Strong! Sue
Okay ... I have posted this video by Dr. Evans before but some things need repeating. This is a powerful and compelling case for walking every day. Walking is the magic bullet. Commit to walking 30 minutes a day all through September. Join the Walk30 Challenge ... thirty days for 30 minutes every day ... simple but effective.
Let me know if you are in ... or just set a goal for yourself and do it. Walk On Strong!! Sue
A 30 Day Challenge Begins for Walk30 ... September 1st, 2016
There are just a few days left in August and every day has ended with at least 10,000 steps on my Fitbit. I am proposing that we all Walk30 in September ... 30 minutes a day for 30 days in a row ... no matter what.
This blog began as a way for me to stay on track with my walking habit and to possibly encourage others to walk along. If you pop the words "Benefits of Walking" in the search bar for my blog .... there are numerous posts outlining the incredible benefits of a 30 minute walk. There is more and more evidence that we just have to move our bodies and our minds will respond in a big way.
This blog began on October 19, 2011... 5 years ago, with the intention of blogging every day in addition to my walk for at least 30 days ... I blogged everyday for a year and on and off since then but I still walk every day ... occasionally less than 30 minutes but usually more. It has made a difference in my life and led me to other challenges and goals but the foundation has been laid with a simple 30 minute walk ... every day.
So ... come and join me for a September Walk30 Challenge!