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Monday 13 January 2014

Day 13 Walking30 in the Woods

It doesn't look like a hill but this is actually steep!
Day 13 ... I hadn't done my walk today and had spent a lot of my time on the computer or driving to appointments so I decided that I would go for a walk before the sun went down. In the woods by our house is a great path that has a number of hills and a great work out.   Make sure that you throw a little bit of elevation into your routine whenever you can. It is a great way to increase your muscular strength and your endurance without having to head to the gym. It will also increase your cardiovascular health because of the need for a little more oxygen when climbing and an increase in heart rate.

 The other thing that is interesting about this path is that someone has installed a small Library Box where you can leave a book and/ or take a book if you are looking for one. So today I took 3 books out of my book bin at home to put into the Library. It gave me even more motivation for walking today!

Be sure to take smaller steps and keep your eyes trained on the path ahead during these days of melting and freezing.  The weather here in southern Ontario right now is just hoovering around the freezing point and so it is a constant issue.  I rarely fall but I am also quite vigilant about being as aware as possible when I am out.  Winter walking can be great if you take care.

Weekly Walking News:
I am including our Walk On Strong walking group weekly news in the Monday blog ... if you live within driving distance or you are visiting in Waterloo Region please come and join us!

We are looking for leaders for our Saturday walks ... this week we need someone for the 9 a.m. group. Dave is still unable to walk so if you could cover one or the other group let us know and I will cover the other.   

Tuesday we will be walking 5K
Saturday we will be out there at 8 a.m. for 14 K and at 9 a.m. for 6ish K walk.
Plan on joining us for coffee and/or breakfast at Seven Shores Cafe on Regina after the walk ... everyone is welcome!

That's it for today ... Walk On Strong!

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