Walk30 page views

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Day 31 Walk for 30 minutes a day

Day 31 Walk for 30 minutes a day ... it will change your health outcomes! 

I challenge you to make a 30 minute commitment to yourself ... take the time to give yourself a 30 minute gift that will truly change your life!

23 and1/2 Hours

I have featured this video a few times before in this blog but I am going to offer it again today to convince you that you should take the Walk 30 Challenge with me ... 30 minutes a day every day for 30 days ... it sounds simple but it will be a challenge.  Start tomorrow and I am sure you won't regret it!
CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO ... and then consider the walk30 Challenge for August,
I hope you join me!
Walk on Strong!

Monday, 30 July 2012

Day 30 Join the walking Challenge!

Congratulations Pat on your very first 10K walk!!

Day 30 Join the walking Challenge! 

Tomorrow is the very last day of July and the August Walk30 Challenge begins on Wednesday.  If you are one of those people that needs a day or two to make up your mind ... then you have a day to think about it.
So the formula is quite simple ... get out the door for 30 minutes a day ( it could also be for two 15 minute walks or three 10 minute walks ... whatever gets you out there!) and you walk30 for 30 days in a row.  That's all there is to it ... very simple but it could make a big difference to you and your health.
Come join me in this Challenge and then come and walk in the Minds in Motion K W Walking Classic on September 23rd!  If you keep on walking into September you will be right on track for the 5K ... check it out www.kwwalkingclassic.com.
Let me know if you are walking with me into August ... walkonstrong@gmail.com
Walk On Strong!

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Day 29 Quick Health fixes!

Day 29 Quick Health fixes!

It was a glorious day for walking ... not too hot and lots of opportunity on a Sunday. If you are doing the walk30 Challenge for the month of July ... you are almost there! Two days to go and an hour of walking and ...  YIPEE ... you did it!.
Please join me for the August walk30 challenge that begins on Wednesday!
In the meantime you can check out these 1 minute health boosters from one of my favorite health and fitness sites SparkPeople.   Join this amazing site for FREE!  If you want to have some top notch advice for being the best you possible ... SparkPeople is the place you want to be.
Check out this link for some quick fitness fixes.
60-Second Health and Fitness Boosters
Walk On Strong!

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Day 28 A great Saturday walk!

                 The 8 a.m. group heads off for a 10K walk!

Day 28 A great Saturday walk!

The message is short and sweet today at the walk30 blogspot.

We had a great walk this morning. The weather was a little cooler and the clouds made things quite nice for everyone. We even had a very small amount of rain to cool things even further.  As you can see there was a good sized group that came out today ... there is always someone to have a conversation with and help the kilometers fly by.
It's time to wrap up the blog for today before midnight is upon us ... I hope you had an inspiring walk30 today!
Walk On Strong!

Friday, 27 July 2012

Day 27 August Walk30 Challenge is coming!

Come and join me ...Walk30 Challenge!

Day 27 August Walk30 Challenge is coming!

I just realized that the end of the month is near.  I think that it is a good thing to be so involved in life that you actually forget what day it is .... unless you have an important appointment.

The end of July means that we are starting the August Walk30 Challenge in a few days!   Please come and join me once again in an effort to walk 30 minutes a day every single day for 30 days.  A whole month of walking will help you to feel the changes in your body, your energy, your mood and your mind.  It really will make a difference ... but please don't take my word for it ... take the Challenge up and join me every day toward a healthier future.
If you are living in the KW area you can come walking with us tomorrow ... meet us at Waterloo Public Square at 8 a.m. for a longer walk (couple of hours) or at 9 a.m. for shorter walk ( an hour) and finally to the Seven Shores cafe for a great cup of coffee and breakfast.
No matter where you live you can join me for the Walk30 Challenge ... give it a whirl and you will be glad you did.
Walk On Strong!

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Day 26 How to Race Walk

Leisure walking, fitness walking, power walking , race walking ... what ever you do ... do it at the K W Walking Classic!

Day 26 How to Race Walk

Last week I posted a YouTube video about Race Walking technique and there was a little buzz that developed around it.  I want to direct you to some more information on the subject that came to me today from About.com's walking leader Wendy Bumgardner in her newsletter.  It is a great one to have coming to your inbox once a week ... a lot of useful information for the avid walker
From About.com/walking letter:
 Walk Like an Olympian - Racewalking
"Racewalking has been a part of the modern Olympics since 1904. But it just isn't any old walking -- the Olympic racewalking technique has rules and judges. July Heller of Ero-Fit tells how to walk like an Olympian. Why do it? You will burn more calories per mile and start beating a lot of runners in races. And then you can tune in next week with our viewer's guide to the London Olympic Race Walks."

I had a great training evening with some of our Walk On Strong group ... and a walk30 to boot!
Walk On Strong everyone!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Day 25 Step and Stride 10 miler



Day 25 Step and Stride 10 miler

I just found out about another race for walkers only ... this is the Step and Stride event on September 30 2012!  Here is what the organizers have to say about their event!

"Step and Stride organizes and plans unique walking events geared toward fitness, health, socialization and fun. Step and Stride is focused on all levels of walkers, from the beginner to the competitor. Our shared goal is to create an atmosphere that inspires a passionate and healthy lifestyle."

If you live anywhere near Columbus Ohio I think that you should get out and do the 10 miler!If you would like to know more about this event check out their website at www.stepandstride.com.

or watch their YouTube video:


I just love finding new events for walkers!

Walk On Strong.


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Day 24 A walking meeting

Walking and talking ... that's what it's all about!

Day 2 A walking meeting

Today my walk30 took the form of a walking meeting. There is a lot of talk about getting more movement into the office.  The idea of getting out and walking during a meeting is one that is tossed around a lot but I really wonder how many offices really encourage their staff members to walk out the front door and have a meeting as they walk their way down the street.  I have a new colleague that I am working with on a grant project with the Trillium Foundation and she and I had a great walking meeting today.  We walked for about an hour but the time flew by because we were talking about the working plans and how things were proceeding.  It seemed as if our meeting was over in just a flash because the conversation was so engaging.  

I challenge you to make one of your walk30's this month a walking meeting ... you won't regret it!
Walk On Strong!

Monday, 23 July 2012

Day 23 Training to Power Walk

Activa Sportsplex ... a very cool place to walk in Kitchener

Day 23 Training to Power Walk

Tonight we had the honor of coaching a great group of Power Walkers who are training for the Minds in Motion - K W Waking Classic.  We were at the Activa Sportsplex in Kitchener and it was the perfect location for a great walk!  The ice is in below the track so we were even a little frosty as we walked around the track! With a high of over 35 degrees Celsius
All we can say is WELL DONE! 
We hope to see you all again soon.
Keep Walking On Strong,
Sue and Dave too

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Day 22 Chalk30 today!

Day 22 Chalk30 today!

Yes! today was definitely a CHALK30 day ... I spent at least that much time creating the sidewalk chalk art advertisement for the Minds in Motion K W Walking Classic on the road in from of Waterloo Public Square! IT WAS FUN!
Some of you may know that I am an artist ... not that this was a work of art by any means but it was a lot of fun to do ... and that is all that counts.
Rob Martin, from our race committee, just happened to come by the race display that I had set up and helped me hand out cards and talk to people about the event.  It is always surprising how many people don't know about what we are doing ... that's okay though that just means more people coming out this year for the first time.

Here is Laura who is also on the race committee ... she did a fantastic job of connecting with people .... she is fearless and friendly!   I had a short interview with the people from SNAP who are there to take pictures at events.  All is all it was a very successful chalk30 and a good time was had by all!
Hope you had a wonderful walk30 ... I actually got one of those in too.
Walk On strong!

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Day 21 Walking a half Marathon a week!

A wonderful picture from memorable walk in Rome a few years ago

Day 21 Walking a half Marathon a week!

It is July 21st so we have walked 3 half marathons this month ... I really love the fact that if you walk 30 minutes it is usually very close to 3 K and that if you go out there every day you will be sure to walk, at least, a half marathon every single week. There are so many benefits to this habit of walking that I can hardly list them all instead, for today, I believe this quote says it all:

Above all, do not lose your desire to walk.  Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness.  I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.    ~Soren Kierkegaard

Some things just never change ... walking can make a difference so just give it a try 30 minutes at a time, a day at a time and a half marathon a week. 

I hope you had a great walk30 today!

Walk On Strong,


Friday, 20 July 2012

Day 20 Walking for the body and the mind

                  Cafe latte from Seven Shores today                           (rendered with the ToonPaint app on my phone!)

Day 20 Walking for the body and the mind

To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. -Buddha (c. 563 BC to 483 BC) – a spiritual teacher from ancient India who founded Buddhism

I love quotes ... they kind of cut to the core of a situation rather quickly.

To keep the body healthy is a big order but if we do it in small manageable bits ( like a walk30) I think that we can make a monumental difference in our lives. I love the connection between a healthy body and a healthy mind in this quote.  That is the goal of all we do ... encouraging small changes in your life that will have an impact on your body and your mind.
Let's all keep on doing something every day that helps us on the path to a brighter future ... physically and mentally!  Maybe it might be the walk30 challenge ... I hope so.
Walk On Strong!

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Day 19 On the track

Training for the K W Walking Classic!!

Day 19 On the track

Tonight we were on the Bluevale track with the Walk On Strong training group.  I was with the Personal Best group and Dave was with the Intro to Power Walking group.  We had a great workout full of interval training and technique ... a good time was had by all!  
Dave and I both got our walk30 in by walking with our prospective training groups .... bonus!!
Well done everyone and thanks for coming out to train with us!
Walk On Strong!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Day 18 Lack of exercise is a global pandemic

Here are the walkers and runners who came out to the Waterloo Running Room's 20 minute challenge tonight ... we don't have to worry about this group staying fit!


Day 18 Lack of exercise is a global pandemic

I was driving home from the pet store with our dog Annie and the news came on ... someone was talking about a new study that had to do with the health impact of our general lack of exercise.  It always seems to me that it is fairly obvious that the lack of exercise is a huge problem in our society but they went on to say that it had as great an impact regarding premature death as smoking! 
Wow! Not getting out there to move your body causes as many premature deaths as smoking.  That is disturbing news ... here is a small part of an article that I found at the Healthland Time  website:
"When it comes to being couch potatoes, Americans aren’t alone. Physical inactivity has become a global pandemic, say researchers in a series of related papers published in the journal Lancet. According to one of the reports, lack of exercise causes as many as 1 in 10 premature deaths around the world each year — roughly as many as smoking."

Read more: http://healthland.time.com/2012/07/18/lack-of-exercise-as-deadly-as-smoking-study-finds/#ixzz210h4XcxB

Be sure to check out the rest of the article ... it is a real shocker!
The good news is that I think there are more and more of us that are realizing that getting some exercise doesn't have to be complicated and that it could be a simple and just getting out the door for a walk30!
 Please join me in taking the walk30 challenge ... walk 30 minutes every day for 30 days.  We usually start again at the beginning of every month but you can start today if you'd like.
I am off to the Running Room's 20 minute Challenge where I will get in a walk30 and a free cap.
Your life will change if you add a little walking.
Walk On Strong!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Day 17 Like Waterloo Region Walks!

Waterloo Region Walks ... LIKE IT on facebook


 Day 17 Like Waterloo Region Walks

There is a new Facebook page out there about walking and it would be just amazing if we could all get behind them and LIKE it ... it is the Waterloo Region Walks Facebook community and it is organized by an enthusiastic committee that is committed to walking in our region.  Here is a little more information about them.

About Waterloo Region Walks

Waterloo Region Walks is an independent community partnership of local walking leaders, key stakeholders and community members who have a vested interest in the promotion of walking for all ages for purposes of health, transportation and recreation.
The mission of Waterloo Region Walks is to work together to promote and support walking in Waterloo Region.


1. To increase community awareness of local walking opportunities, resources, and supports.

In a nutshell they want to create a meeting place for all of the walking initiatives in our area so that we can share information and our enthusiasm for ....WALKING! 
The first step is their Facebook page and they need to be liked so go and visit them at www.facebook.com/waterlooregionwalks
and while you are in the liking mood you could like us too at:

I think that today was the hottest day of the year so far ... and that is no small feat because it has been really HOT!
We went out there anyway and just arrived home in time to miss a thunder storm.
Hope you had a great walk30 ... not matter how you managed to beat the heat.
Walk On Strong!

Monday, 16 July 2012

Day 16 Walking 30 minutes can be the best workout

In the warm weather it is always a good idea to walk at a track when doing interval training

Day 16 Walking 30 minutes can be the best workout ... but you have to work for it!

That's right, just getting out the door for 30 minutes can give you the most beneficial workout gift you can possibly give yourself.  
I am sure that some of you are sceptical ... I would have told you that you were being ridiculous in my past life as a club fitness instructor. I didn't event think that walking was exercise let alone the very best thing that you could do for your body and your mind!

The trick is that you have to commit to doing interval training during this walk.  This is an easy concept but it involves pushing your fitness limits for a short period of time, as short as 20 seconds to 1 minute in which you pick up your speed and move as fast as you can for that period of time.  That burst of energy is then followed by a recovery period and all that means is that you slow down and let your heart recover.  Your recovery period should be at least twice as long as your interval or longer. You might begin with 30 seconds of 'As Fast As You Can' walking followed by 3 or 4 minutes of steady walking ( not slow but a steady fitness walk) to get your heart rate down and feel ready to go at that AFAYC pace for your next interval.
So your beginner 30 minute interval walk might look like this :

Warm up  7 minutes
Interval #1 -  30 seconds As Fast As You Can walking pace
Recover 4 minutes
Interval #2 - 30 seconds AFAYC walking
Recover 4 minutes
Interval #3 - 30 seconds AFAYC walking
Recover 4 minutes
Interval #4  - 30 seconds AFAYC walking
Recovery 4 minutes
Cool down 5 minute  
 = 30 minutes and a great workout!

You will see and feel the benefit of interval training in a few weeks if you make 2 of your walk30's into interval workouts.  Your cardiovascular system will improve and your strength and speed will improve too. You might even find you have more energy and endurance in other parts of your life. There is a growing science around this kind of exercise model that I will talk about in blogs in the future.
For now just give intervals a try on your next walk30 ... Walk On Strong! 


Sunday, 15 July 2012

Day 15 Just a walk30 with the dog

... ready for a walk30!

Day 15 Just a walk30 with the dog

There are days when things are quiet and there isn't too much to report.  We had a nice long walk30 in the woods with Annie today. 
Walk On Strong,

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Day14 Walking to eat!

On the patio at Seven Shores

Day 14 Walking to eat!

As much as I would like to think that our walking group is all about the walking ... I must admit that one of the finer pleasures around walking is that after we walk we head to Seven Shores Cafe on Regina Street in Waterloo.  If you haven't been there they have great ... an understatement ... coffee and their lattes are to die for.  They seriously compare to Paris (France not Ontario). 
They also have great food and they make an effort to but locally whenever possible which is something that is nice to know.  It is a lot easier to support a resturant when you know that they are trying to make a difference in the world.
If you get a chance ... walk there sometime!
 Seven Shores Urban Market and Cafe
10 Regina St. N Unit 4.
Waterloo, ON. N2J 2Z8
(former Gen X Video - Corner of Regina and Dupont)

Walk On Strong!

Friday, 13 July 2012

Day 13 Late night walk30

Walk On Strong group walk

Day 13 Late night walk30

Today was sunny and hot once more ... we just finished our late night walk30 but it was a humid and sticky all the same.  Some days it doesn't matter how long you wait it is never going to really cool down.The bottom line on days like today is that the walk30 is done and I feel better than I would have if I hadn't bothered.
Tomorrow we will be walking with the Walk On Strong group in the morning ... here's hoping that it is a little cooler but ... I don't expect that we will be that lucky.  If you are any where near the Waterloo tomorrow please come and join us ... right in front of Shoppers Drugmart at the Waterloo Public Square. It's a friendly group and there is a pace for everyone ... hope to see you there!
Walk On Strong!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Day 12 Great news about the 500th pair of shoes

Nigel Strothard (right), of Athletic Direct, fits Keleigh Bradford for a new pair of training shoes. They were the 500th pair given out through the Minds in Motion KW Walking Classic program. Dave Lewis (back) is the event's co-chair.
David Bebee/Record staff
 Day 12 Great news about the 500th pair of shoes

Our local newspaper The Record featured the recipient of the 500th pair of shoes in a wonderful article today.
Keleigh Bradford was the featured in the article and she shares an amazing story of her journey of recovery.  Please be sure to check out the article at this link:

Walking event gives people with mental illness a boost

A huge thank you goes out to the journalist who wrote this piece ... well done Johanna Weidner!

It makes you want to get those shoes on and walk30! 

We could use your help to purchase more shoes ... all you have to do is come and walk on Sunday September 23 in the Minds in Motion K W Walking Classic.

Register at www.kwwalkingclassic.com

Walk On Strong,


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Day 11 500th pair of shoes given away!

All you need is a well fitted pair of shoes

Day 11   Five Hundred pairs of shoes! YAY!

I am not sure that everyone knows that in addition to having an incredible top notch race exclusively for walkers, the only one of its kind in Canada by the way, we raise funds for a VERY worthy cause.
All funds pledged and donated for the Minds in Motion K W Walking Classic have been used to equip individuals with lived mental health experience and fixed incomes with proper fitting athletic shoes.  If someone is using physical activity to help themselves toward recovery we want to help them to have the shoes that they need to get out there.

Most of us don't think too long and hard about purchasing a new pair of shoes for walking.  A new pair of athletic shoes is an expensive purchase ... we have made it easier for 500 shoe recipients to get moving.

The connection between exercise and mental health is well documented and we see the impact of our event on the lives of individuals from all walks of life on many different levels.  It sure feels good to be able to do the things we do through fundraising!
If you are in Waterloo Region or within driving distance ( or even flying distance!) be sure to come out to our event ... it is spectacular and I think our walkers feel very, very special ... because it is all about walking!
If you would like to help us in providing shoes to keep people on their feet and feeling better about life ... simply go to our website www.kwwalkingclassic.com and press the DONATE button on the home page.
We can also use tons of volunteers on race weekend September 22 and 23rd ... it's coming up soon.
I have walked30 and done my bragging about our race and now it's time to rest.
Hope you had a great walk30!
Walk On Strong!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Day 10 Introduction to Race walking video

                        This is an amazing video ... check it out!

Day 10 Introduction to Race walking video

When we talk about power walking it always leads to a discussion around race walking.  Not everyone who learns about power walking technique wants to become a race walker.  It requires an incredible amount of dedication and training to move to the race walking level of technique.  This is an excellent video and explains race walking technique and the rules that race walkers are bound to in competition far better than I could explain them.  Take some time out to enjoy this video and appreciate the sport of race walking .... oh my goodness they are burning up the track!

Today was a perfect day for a walk30!
Walk On Strong!

Monday, 9 July 2012

Day 9 Walking 30 minutes a day gets easier

Getting out the door ... that's the hard part

Day 9 Walking 30 minutes a day gets easier

I wasn't sure what to write about today ... just sitting here thinking that it was a fairly ordinary day.
 It was cooler, clear and sunny ... a beautiful day!  We had lots to do and didn't get nearly all of it done.  We visited Dave's Mom and got some big smiles from her ... which was wonderful.  At the end of the day we made it out the door to walk and it was just as easy as that.  It's funny how you eventually become so used to doing something that it just happens.  That isn't the case every day ... there are still days when it seems to be very late at night and I have to push myself out the door ... mostly because I blog about my walk30s and that really helps motivate me.
I am just saying that it does get easier ... a day at a time ... a step at a time ... just sayin'.
Hope you had an easy walk30 today.
Walk On Strong!

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Day 8 Walk and Win a BlackBerry PlayBook

Day 8 Walk and Win a BlackBerry PlayBook

 Today my blog is dedicated to my favorite cause, mental health ... and my favorite walking event ... so get walking30 and get ready for a lot of heart warming fun! Here is the news!
5th Annual
Minds in Motion 
KW Walking Classic
The Walkers Only Competitive Event
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Someone is going to win a Blackberry Playbook! 

Register by August 17th and it could be you! You will also save before the prices go up for the last time. If you have already registered ... your name is in for the draw.

There are only 500 spots available in each race and the numbers are growing.

Participate in an event designed by Walkers, exclusively for Walkers.
There is a competitive, timed and marshaled race for every fitness level - 5K, 10K and Half Marathon! (and a long-sleeved technical shirt, finishing medals, a Race Expo on Sept 22, and more!)

Register or download a registration form by visiting our website:  www.kwwalkingclassic.com 

or go to the Running Room registration page directly at: 
Minds In Motion  K W Walking Classic
Walk On Strong!

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Day 7 cooling down.. a little

Grad day for Annie

Day 7 cooling down.. a little
Just a quick blog today because it has been a long busy day and it is time to rest. A cooler morning made the 8 a.m. 10K Walk On Strong group walk so much better ... good company and less humidity truly made a difference.  

We have a great 10K walk that involves 4 different wooded areas and it just can't be beat.

Then we took our puppy Annie to training ... she graduated from the puppy level a few weeks ago so we decided to stay in training and make sure that we ( Dave and I ) didn't loose momentum. The dog is pretty smart I am fairly sure we need the training.
We put it all into action on our late night walk and we all did fairly well. 
I hope you had a rewarding walk30 today.
Walk On Strong!

Friday, 6 July 2012

Day 6 Super hot walk30!

Annie our water dog!

Day 6 Super hot walk30!

Today was a record breaking day in southern Ontario for temperature extremes!  We topped 34 degrees centigrade and with the humidity it felt a lot hotter.  We had a hiking group this morning and had 20 out to go for a walk in the woods!
WOW! We shortened the walk but I was so impressed with how many people wanted to just get out there.  
So the walk30 was done early in the day but we decided to fill up the kiddy pool for our puppy Annie.  I hope you like the picture here.  She had fun all afternoon in the pool and kept herself cool.
I hope you had a great walk30 too.
Walk On Strong!

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Day 5 Walking with a metronome

This is my metronome ... it was about $20 and fits in the palm of my hand ... it gets me walking faster!

Day 5 Walking with a metronome

When I started to learn more about walking and walking technique this quest for information lead me to the Chi Walking website.  Danny Dreyer has developed a technique for walking that (very simply put) has its foundation in Tai Chi.
If you go to the Chi Walking website you will find an abundance of information about a great many topics related to walking. I found this informative blog post at the Chi Walking website today when I was looking for more information around using a metronome as a training tool.    Please take some time to check out this link.
Walking with a Metronome | Danny Dreyer's Blog | Chi Walking

A metronome is a very simple tool but it can have a BIG impact on the development of your speed as a power walker.  Using cadence as a guide for your foot steps can increase your speed and build strength and stamina at the same time.
For now I suggest that you tap into the expertise of Danny Deyer and get yourself a metronome ... or just download a metronome app into your iphone or android phone.  Plug into a rhythm and just see how much faster you will be walking in no time!

We had an amazing 3 hour Introduction to Power Walking Workshop this evening.  Dave and I worked with 6 walkers who were looking to learn some basic power walking technique.  It was a hot evening but everyone did well and we had just a great evening with the group!!
Thanks to all who came and shared in the training ... we had fun.
Walk On Strong!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Day 4 Walking30 on a hot day

On a hot day ... either early in the morning or after the sun sets is a good be for walking

Day 4 Walking30 on a hot day
Today was a scorcher in southern Ontario ... humid and hot ... that's what we are famous for here in eastern Canada.  My family from Calgary doesn't really like to visit at this time of year because it is so hot and sticky. 
Well today I have to agree because it felt like the inside of a dryer while walking from the car to the house.  On days like this all you can do is stay hydrated and keep your activity to a minimum.

We just finished a late night walk with Annie ... she is a big black dog so she was happy to wait until the moon came up to venture outdoors.
I hope you had a wonderful walk under the full moon!
Walk on Strong!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Day 3 Let's walk30!

Live your Dream! Walk in the K W Walking Classic!

Day 3 Let's walk30!

Just a normal Tuesday group walk30.  There is something very reassuring about having a group to walk with every week ... it means that you are going to get out there. 

We had a large group out walking this evening in the heat and humidity. Well done everyone!  We were quite the soggy group when we finished. Dave calls the walk that we did tonight the English Author's Walk.  It roams through a neighborhood that features the names of various English authors: Shakespeare, Coleridge and Longfellow to name just a few.  It features a few detours that can take you for up to a 7 K walk if you want to challenge yourself.
After all was said and done it was another successful evening of walking!
Walk On Strong!

Monday, 2 July 2012

Day 2 Still celebrating Canada Day

 The living flag ... this is how some people celebrated  Canada Day!

Day 2 Still celebrating Canada Day

Another beautiful hot summer day! It was a fabulous long weekend weather wise.  There is nothing better than relaxing in the sun on the first long weekend of the summer with the rest of July and August stretching out in front of you.

We definitely enjoy our summers in Canada!

The fireworks were still going off this evening and we had a late night walk30 amid the explosions.  Life should get back to normal tomorrow ... what ever that is.

This video is quite an inspiration .. make sure you check it out. 

 Walk On Strong!


Sunday, 1 July 2012

Day1 The Walk30 Challenge for July Begins!

Day1  The Walk30 Challenge for July Begins!

Today began with a 13K walk in the early hours.  The sky was clear and the trail beside the Grand River was just beautiful!  It just feels so good to know that your walk is done for the day and it is still before noon!
If you have a time that works well for you that keeps you getting out the door I would be over the moon( it's almost full by the way) to hear about it and possibly share it with others.
The fireworks were exploding all over the neighborhood again this evening ... everyone is out there just celebrating Canada's 145 birthday. It's time to blow out the candles and head to bed ... hope you had a great Canada Day no matter where you live.
Walk On Strong!